How to create an anonymous corporations or Offshore corporations in Panama

How to create a society in Panama

Index of contents

In how time can establish a company in Panama?
You can incorporate a foreign company in the public registry of Panama?
Celebration of agreement requirements?
Where is the agreement?
What does reflect the social pact?
That should be the social pact?
Do development of commercial and industrial activities outside of Panama?
What are the fees to be paid in the public registry?

Panama corporations can be constituted within a period of three to five working days. There are societies or corporations corporations, LLCs, among other legal figures.

Our legislation allows you to enter a foreign society in our public record, prior compliance with the requirements previously established for this purpose.

Societies require the conclusion of an agreement between two or more elderly persons, who must subscribe at least action each one, no matter what their nationality or domiciled.

This agreement must be submitted before a notary public in Panama, for the preparation of the corresponding public deed. Then, this public deed must be filed in the public registry of Panama.


The social pact will reflect the terms and conditions agreed upon and after their registration in the commercial section of the public registry that document will be also effective against third parties. In many respects, the 32 law on joint-stock companies works only as a source of secondary law.

According to the law, the Social Pact of companies or corporations must contain, among other things:
► The name of the Corporation
► The name and address of the Subscriber
► objects which may engage in society
► amount, social capital, shareholder distribution and kinds of actions, etc.
► The duration of the company, which may be perpetuated
► The name and address of Directors and dignitaries

The name and address of the resident agent corporations or corporations that do not develop commercial or industrial activities within Panama (representative offices) not required to obtain business licenses to operate outside the territory of the Republic of Panama, as corporations or Offshore corporations.

In the registry, the company pays a fee of $250.00 annual transaction. For the following years it will pay US $300.00. Than usual for this type of societies in which the initial investment capital is at least $10,000.00 and this amount which has to pay around Usd $60.00 in the public registry, plus the cost of notary, which is approximately $40.00, more Attorney's fees. If the capital is greater, likewise the cost increases.

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